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No better time to start helping than Christmas

With daily snowfalls and minus degrees, “It’s Beginning to Look a Lot Like Christmas”. As days are getting shorter and shorter, this season has traditionally been that of giving. Charity activities get the most active during this month of December, giving opportunities to children in need to get Christmas presents and distributing food aid. But… Continue reading No better time to start helping than Christmas

I want to help but how? How to get started with Commu

There are many ways to help others. Helping actions could be as small as giving a hand to a passer-by, struggling with a heavy bag. But if you landed on this article, you’re probably willing to do a bit more than that. You might want to help in a very specific area. Or on the… Continue reading I want to help but how? How to get started with Commu

Want to help others but don’t know how? Read 67 tips!

Why did we list 67 things? Nelson Mandela, who was an activist and president of South Africa, spent his life to making the world a better place. He dedicated 67 years fighting for social justice. In honour of this, Mandela Day promotes and encourages to do good for 67 minutes. But anyway, what does it… Continue reading Want to help others but don’t know how? Read 67 tips!

6 reasons why helping others is good for you

These last few years, we all experienced some challenges; no parties, no events, no meeting up, and everything had to move from real life to online. This long period trapped at home made us reconsider what’s important in life and what we want to prioritise. We also noticed how crucial it is to take care… Continue reading 6 reasons why helping others is good for you

Haloo Helsinki! joined helping app Commu

There is a growing need for community, and new digital platforms aim to make it easier to build social networks in the aftermath of the pandemic. Haloo Helsinki! is also promoting community by joining the marketplace for help, Commu. The lack of community and social support networks is reflected in both homes and workplaces. According… Continue reading Haloo Helsinki! joined helping app Commu

How helping is beneficial to the company culture

Developing a nice company culture is every company’s dream. But in the first place, what does it even look like? Interestingly enough, high-performing companies seem to show a common trait in their workplaces: it’s easy to give or ask for help.   This might seem too simple to be true, but actually, an organisation where… Continue reading How helping is beneficial to the company culture

“You don’t have to be a millionaire to help” – Satu cleans homes with the help of Commu.

Satu, 24, from Hämeenlinna loves cleaning. She has long offered her cleaning services to the needy through various social media channels. Satu tried out the help marketplace Commu and was inspired to do even more good. “I spotted a mention of Commu in a Facebook group. I was inspired by the idea that I could… Continue reading “You don’t have to be a millionaire to help” – Satu cleans homes with the help of Commu.

How we dealed with unfixable but serious bug

Some weeks ago we encountered a technical issue in Commu that’s probably every programmers worst nightmare. A bug that appears out of nowhere without code changes, that’s really difficult to repeat steadily, that’s coming from the part of the framework that you simply have no way of circumventing and that has no common pattern other… Continue reading How we dealed with unfixable but serious bug

Problems have been detected with email confirmation links

Description of the problem Last week (week 37) we received feedback from users that the email confirmation link had not worked in their case. We started investigating and confirmed that there was a problem. It turned out that an extra record had appeared in the link in the email that was not in the link… Continue reading Problems have been detected with email confirmation links

Auto-translation added to Commu!

We have heard you! After receiving a lot of questions about a lot of notices being in Finnish, we have now added ability to translate Finnish notices to English automatically inside the app.   This features uses Google Translation, so results may not always be best as Finnish can be slightly difficult language to translate,… Continue reading Auto-translation added to Commu!