What is Commu?
Commu is a startup founded by three young entrepreneurs with the goal of making it easier to help and ask for help. Commu is a mobile application where you can ask and give help in your area. We serve private users, organizations as well as companies. We believe that lowering the threshold to ask for and give help, and making it as easy as possible, can promote community and reduce loneliness.
Winter 2021
Commu’s journey begins
Sami and Ronnie find Karoliina’s profile on the internet. The trio meets, goes to an escape room and starts working on Commu.
Spring 2021
Volunteers test Commu
Over 100 volunteers test Commu’s beta -version in Tampere region. The app is buggy and doesn’t always work but we get lots of feedback and can improve Commu.
May 2021
Commu is released in app stores!
We release Commu on App Store and Google Play! Hundreds of users join during the first weeks. Karoliina, Sami and Ronnie work on weekends and afternoons developing Commu.
Autumn 2021
Team focuses on Commu
Commu has more thousands of users and we start our first organisation pilots. Team quits their day jobs and focuses on building Commu.
Winter 2021
Commu peaks investor interest
Commu’s progression has been super fast so far and investors see that. 7 investors join our team with decades of experience and 100,00€.
January 2022
Commu’s team grows!
Nearly 4000 users have joined Commu and we hire 2 new team members during beginning of the year.
March 2022
Russia attacks Ukraine
Our users want to help Ukrainians coming to Finland. We code quickly a Ukrainian version of Commu and other tools to make helping easier. Thousands of Ukrainians have found help in Commu, all over Finland.
Spring 2022
10,000 users!
We reached 10,000 users in just a few months and keep on growing organically, thanks to our users.
Autumn 2022
Commu grows, fast
We hire more people to our team and Commu reaches 25,000 user threshold.
Winter 2023
Now we are here!
Commu is the Largest Platform of Helping in Finland and that is all thanks to our tens of thousands of users, first company and nonprofit customers and investors.
Summer 2023
Now we are here!
There are already 40 000 users in Finland and Commu has found its way into cooperation with municipalities! Together with the municipality, we make a better citizen experience.
Commu also continues its journey in Norway & Germany, bringing the revolution of helping outside Finland!
Winter 2023
Commu in Shark Tank!
Commu is invited to Finland’s Shark Tank – TV programme, we reach 50,000 user threshold, more than 5 municipalities use Commu and tens of companies do good deeds on the platform.
Goal is to do good and create a profitable business
Commu is a Social Enterprise, which means that our aim is to do good and create profitable business (i.e. jobs!). The Social Enterprise label is a recognition from the Finnish Work Federation.
Commu is free for individuals to download and use to request and give help. Commu is also used by businesses that we help to do good deeds and by municipalities that offer Commu to their residents as an easy way to ask for and give help in their municipality. Thanks to our corporate and municipal customers, you too can ask for and give help, easily and safely!

Social sustainability, corporate volunteering and CSR made easy! We help companies do good deeds and measure their impact.

More wellbeing and less loneliness to cities. Commu helps residents in cities ask for help and give help in their neighborhoods.

More volunteers and easier volunteer -management. We have developed our volunteer -management tools with the largest nonprofits in Finland.
Get to know Commu team
We are a team of twenty entrepreneurs and our goal is to make helping and asking for help easier. Why? Read more about our team!

How do I build my own support network?
“I had just moved to Tampere when the Covid19 pandemic struck. I didn’t know anyone from my new hometown and was wondering who I could ask for help with, for example, going to the store or pharmacy. I would have wanted to help myself. That is why I started bouncing around the idea of a digital doorbell where you could easily ask for and give help in your immediate area. “
Ronnie has a long background in app development and has built the Commu app. Ronnie leads the Commu team and is responsible for developing our business.
Communities reduce loneliness
“I’m an identical triplet and through that I’ve always belonged to a community. The power of communities is huge. If I don’t have my own safety net, social well-being can be shaken. Through my background as a psychiatric nurse I recognize the challenges in different situations in life and how communities can prevent those issues. Through Commu I aim to be a part of the change in the culture of helping and asking for help. ”
Sami is a mental health professional who takes care of Commu’s partners, association partners and of course users.

Everyone can ask for and give peer support
“Growing up, I was really sick as a child and during my teenage years. I felt that my illnesses defined me as a human being and I no longer belonged to any group. Peer to peer support is important to me, because we all have experiences someone could learn and benefit from. If we support each other, we can prevent social isolation and loneliness together. I don’t want anyone feel left alone.
Karoliina is a marketing and content professional who takes care of users, partnerships and investors at Commu.
How can I use Commu App?
Commu is a mobile application where you can ask for and give help in your nearby area. We are not a freelance platform, but we focus on making it easier to help our neighbors, help them, give and ask for peer support.

Would you like to help?
Do you have the time every now and then and would like to do good? You are in the right place!
At Commu, you can give help when it suits you, in a way that suits you. You can create your own notice on the mobile app map, or search for ways to help in your area. You can help both individuals and organizations.
“You don’t have to be a millionare to be able to help.” Read our user Satu’s story about helping others >
Do you need help?
Do you need help with everyday things? At Commu, you can ask people in your area for help on a low threshold.
Do you need to change a light bulb, did you sprain your ankle and your dog should be taken out many times a day? Commu is built just for you. Commu exists so you can be confident that no matter what happened in life, a safety network exists.
Download Commu today and ask for help!